Vai dar Namoro no ritmo de Shakira e Última Chance agitam o Hora do Faro deste domingo (11)

Neste domingo (11), a partir das 15h45, Faro vai entrar no ritmo latino no Vai dar Namoro. E ainda tem Última Chance com o eliminado da semana em A Fazenda. Não perca!

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#HoradoFaro #RodrigoFaro #VaiDarNamoro

How to Deal With the Remorse Felt After an Affair

When you got married you made some solemn and what should be binding oaths to your spouse and for reasons best known to yourself you were unable to keep your word. In not keeping true to your word you cast questions on the validity of your word, you betrayed yourself, your marriage, and most important of all, you betrayed your spouse. I think it would be fair to say that if this was a regular thing with you would have no qualms about what you are doing to your spouse and marriage, but the fact that you are reading this article could mean that there is hope for you yet.

Healing After The Affair – Top Ten Emotional Questions You Might Deal With

After the affair you have ideas of what may have caused it. Don’t punish yourself. You have to heal and that might mean dealing with these emotional questions. A list of the top ten emotional questions you might ask yourself are…

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