Bianca Andrade, a Boca Rosa diz ter faturado milhões em 2022: “Ano especial para mim”

A influencer, empresária e palestrante Bianca Andrade, a Boca Rosa revelou ao TV Fama que acumulou ainda mais riquezas neste ano de 2022. A ex-BBB se referiu ao fato dizendo: “A Bianca que faturou milhões”

How to Deal With the Haunting Images After an Affair

If your husband had an affair, it can be a very challenging thing to deal with. Especially all the haunting images that flood your mind. Here, I’ll show you how to stop those images and begin your healing.

Acceptance: An Alternative Path To Forgiveness In The Aftermath Of The Affair

Forgiveness is not an “easy pill to swallow”, when you are the victim of infidelity. But, if your intentions are to remain in the marriage, harboring harsh emotions and feelings has probably become a point of stress, driven by your anger and resentment and it’s interfering with your efforts to rebuild your marriage. The negative feelings and images that haunt you on a daily basis are controlling your train of thought, how you feel and how you react to anything your spouse says or does, You may have already found yourself lashing out at your spouse in uncontrollable fits of…

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