TV Fama: Kylie Jenner é alvo de críticas e Boca Rosa fala de relação aberta (24/01/23) | Completo

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4 Common Reasons For Infidelity

Marital infidelity is said to happen in about one third of marriages. There are many reasons for infidelity depending on each couples situation. Listed below are some of the more frequent reasons.

The Best Way Of Dealing With Infidelity In Your Marriage Is By Managing Your Mental Images

One of the best way of dealing with infidelity in your marriage is to manage your mental images. Maryann who is struggling to repair her marriage does not know how the woman that her husband had an affair with looks like but “that has not prevented her mind from filing shadowy details”. Maryann has found it impossible to discard the pictures from her mind to an extent that her husband is becoming concerned that she is focusing so much on that and is making her miserable.

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