Sandra Annenberg nega retorno ao posto de âncora de jornal: “Estou mais tranquila”

Entre os eventos, o `TV Fama` bateu um papo com exclusividade com a jornalista Sandra Annenberg. A mesma falou de sua carreira e sobre os novos desafios que pretende enfrentar na TV Globo. #TVFama

How To Cope With Infidelity – 7 Steps to Learning How to Live Again

You might have suspected it was happening, or maybe you had no earthly idea…but you’ve just found out your spouse is having an affair. Suddenly, you’re sick to your stomach, shaking like a leaf and you just want to crawl in a hole and die. It may seem like nothing and no one can possibly tell you how to cope with infidelity, but there are things you can do to lessen the pain.

Reconciliation After An Affair – Beware Of Dangerous Emotions

Achieving reconciliation with your partner after an affair can be tricky. Your emotions have taken a battering and you need time to recover from the trauma of your partner’s betrayal. Learning to recognize these 5 emotional stages will help you to avoid their dangers.

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