FamaCast é o novo podcast do TV FAMA. Segundas, quartas e sextas pelas redes sociais do TV FAMA.


Cheating Wives Are More Common Than You Think

Cheating wives are a horrible breed. It is like they have no concern for anyone, but themselves. To take a man’s pride is much more detrimental than any woman could ever understand, and that is exactly what occurs with cheating wives they take their husband’s pride and give it to another man.

Surviving Your Husband’s Affair – How To Deal With Your Emotions

Discovering your husband’s affair has made you feel as if your emotions have been turned inside out and upside down. Sometimes you get the feeling that you are no longer yourself; you don’t know who you are and that is frightening. This article will help you to understand your feelings and to deal with the loss of emotional balance.

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