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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Office Affairs: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

It starts with a quick acknowledgment in the corridor, a daily hello and polite chit chat about your weekend. You become aware of his every move and feel his eyes on you from across the room. God he looks good today. You slip in to a trance, your mind in a fantasy. He’s pushed you up against the filing cabinet his scent is so sweet, his skin so smooth, his lips so soft. His hands are all over you, rubbing your breasts and sliding up between your…What? And like that, you’re back in the room dialing your calculator.

Emotional Affair Help

“Whenever my wife was busy, I would check her cell phone,” admitted Peter. “I noticed that she was getting a lot of text messages at all hours. I became suspicious because she doesn’t give out her number to a lot of people so this was totally out of the norm.

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