Rodrigo Faro arruma o marido de Raimunda neste domingo (19) | Hora do Faro

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Signs Of An Emotional Affair – Is He Cheating?

The signs of an emotional affair are usually quite subtle, but when you know what to look for, they become all too apparent. Individually, these signs might not seem like much, but collectively, they can add up to something that has broken many marriages – an emotional affair.

After Infidelity – What Next?

What do you do after an infidelity has occurred in a serious relationship, especially in a marriage, a union that was supposed to be life long and ever lasting? If you’ve been cheated on, how do you get past the pain and agony that your partner has caused you. How do you ever get over the doubt? How do you get the relationship back to where it was before the cheating occurred.

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