Rosiane Pinheiro, da Gang do Samba, atrela idade à saída do grupo de Axé

O `TV Fama’ conversou com exclusividade com a dançarina Rosiane Pinheiro, integrante há quase duas décadas do grupo de axé, Gang do Samba. Rosiane abriu o jogo e falou sobre sua saída da banda, até seus objetivos atuais. #TVFama

Why You Need to Leave Your Cheating Spouse

How many times have you forgiven your spouse from cheating? How many more times will it for them to cheat on you before you leave them?

Emotional Affair – 5 Signs Your Partner Is Having An Emotional Affair – Ignore These To Your Peril

Are you worried that your partner is at the midst of an emotional affair? I can understand what you are going through and it is very tough to be calm in such times. Emotional affairs can have devastating effects on relationships often wrecking families and lives apart. What is an emotional affair? Psychologists and relationship experts have studied the human relationships for ages. Emotional affairs are so dangerous because of the tricky nature of the situation. Tricky because it is crossing the limits of platonic friendship and treading into the dangerous waters of a physical relationship. In this article I will show you 5 signs that your partner is having an emotional affair.

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