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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Why Some Women Cheat

Why do some women cheat? Many of today’s women go through an early mid-life crisis. In their twenties or thirties, after short marriages, they may seek divorces. Their reasons for dissatisfaction in their marriages are different than those of men. Frequently, men have a need for more sex and/or attention, while women are seeking emotional intimacy. Open communication and unconditional support and encouragement go a long way toward keeping a woman’s spark alive.

Surviving Infidelity – Five Types To Watch For

Anyway you like to look at it, infidelity is a violation of the terms of a relationship between two people, either emotional or physical. When you are not faithful, and you are caught, you have lost all credibility and trust with your partner. If you want to continue with this person, it’s important to your relationship surviving infidelity.

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