Rafa Brites revela já ter sido alvo de piadinhas de chefe: “Isso é assédio, gente”

Rafa Brites bateu um papo com o TV Fama sobre o papel da mulher na sociedade e, infelizmente, acabou relembrando episódios em que foi alvo de piadinhas de chefe. Segundo ela, este tipo de “brincadeira” é, sim, configurada como assédio.

It Isn’t Going to Be Easy, But It Is Possible to Save Your Relationship After Cheating!

If you’ve been unfaithful to your partner, you have to realize the horrible position you put both you and your partner in. By having an affair, you have broken the intimate sanctity of your relationship and broken the trust that your partner had in you.

I Cheated On My Wife, How Can I Convince Her I Love Her? Here Are 3 Sure Fire Ways

Having helped hundreds of people catch their spouses cheating, I can tell you that very few relationships ever fully recover from infidelity. Here are 3 things you can do to save your marriage after an affair.

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