TIAGO CHAPOLA, participante de Casamento às Cegas 2.
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Tips for Recovering After an Affair – Moving Forward Towards a Stronger Marriage

Recovering after an affair is definitely not easy. When infidelity enters a relationship everything changes. Regardless of how strong the bond between the couple was, it’s shattered for a time in the days and weeks after the adultery is uncovered.

Can I Still Win My Wife’s Trust Back After Cheating?

After many happy years of marriage, you let yourself fall prey to the charms of another and cheated on your wife. It wasn’t as though you did not know that this was a bad decision, but you were weak and did it anyway. What’s done is done, and you now regret your mistake terribly. Your wife has learned about the betrayal and you want to do whatever possible to win your wife’s trust back after cheating. The affair you had hurt her on a very deep level and betrayed that all too important foundation of trust and fixing the damage you’ve caused is not going to be easy. You’ll have to accept all that comes as a result of your action and stay the course if you really want to win your wife’s trust back after cheating.

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