Tom Cavalcante faz homenagem a Chico Anysio: “Ele me chamava de filho”

O humorista Tom Cavalcante relembrou os tempos de amizade com o saudoso Chico Anysio. A relação dos dois era tão forte que Tom disse ao TV Fama que Chico o chamava de filho.

Has Your Husband Been Ignoring Your Emotional and Physical Needs? Find Out If He Is Cheating on You

Many married couples go through sexual ups and downs. Like the cliche goes, being married is like riding a never ending roller coaster. However, if you have been feeling lonely and depressed lately because your husband has been ignoring your sexual needs there is no reason to be embarrassed.

Dealing With an Affair in Your Marriage – Learning How to Rebuild the Broken Bond

Suddenly you’re faced with dealing with an affair in your marriage. You never would have imagined it would happen to you. Marriages change though and sometimes one partner falls off the course that the couple has set for themselves.

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