É treta: Bruno Gagliasso e Beth Faria brigam por causa de Manoel Soares e Patrícia Poeta

A polêmica entre Patrícia Poeta e Manoel Soares ganhou mais um capítulo. A atriz Beth Faria, que saiu em defesa de Poeta acabou sendo ironizada pelo ator Bruno Gagliasso na web. O ator ficou do lado de Soares. O cometário de Gagliasso gerou uma troca de farpas virtual entre ele e Beth Faria. #TVFama

I Think My Husband Is Having an Emotional Affair

I think my husband is having an emotional affair because he is exhibiting the signs of emotional infidelity and acting very strange lately. He becomes very wary when he is talking on his cell phone or on his computer and he can’t give me a straight answer when I ask him who he is talking to. He also gets irritated if I keep on asking him about it.

How Can I Move Forward After My Husband’s Affair?

I often hear from wives who are trying very hard to pick up the pieces after their husband’s affair. I often hear comments like “I really want to move on, but I just can’t seem to. I keep looking back rather than forward. I’m stuck being angry. I can’t get images of him and her out of my mind. I feel like I’m stuck in quick sand when all I want is my old life back. How can I possibly move on when I’m paralyzed by all these feelings? When will things start to get better? I wish I could erase all of this, but I know that I can’t.” These feelings are incredibly common, but so immensely frustrating. There’s no question that husband’s affair can derail your life, which is so unfair since you weren’t the one who did anything wrong. And, sometimes as painful as this is, you see no end in sight and you blame yourself for not finding a way to just move on already. I’ll offer some suggestions about how to deal with this in the following article.

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