Lidi e Shia degustam rodízio de comida japonesa e aproveitam uma noite no hotel

O casal estrela de hoje (14) foi Lidi Lisboa e Shia. Como prêmio, eles puderam degustar um rodízio de comida japonesa e uma noite no hotel. Já os outros casais tiveram de comer tapioca sem recheio. Carol Nakamura e Gui Lionel tiveram de dormir em uma cadeira de praia e Eliza Fagundes e Hadballa dormiram na caçamba de um carro.

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How to Cheat and Get Away With It

After a few years of marriage, the passion that was once present can be bittersweet memory. Many partners become consumed with their careers, children, and other commitments, and seem to forget about their spouse. This loss of passion often leaves many men and women feeling unfulfilled, but unsure of where to turn, except to the arms of another.

My Husband Is Having an Affair – Is Your Husband Cheating? How to Tell!

“I think my husband is having an affair.” A lot of women feel that their husbands are cheating on them. Some of them are right, some of them are wrong; and another whole lot of women who never suspect anything are being cheated on daily. So, is your husband cheating? How can you tell, what are the signs of a cheating husband?

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