Sonia Abrão fala sobre futuro de Faustão: “Acima de qualquer emissora?

A apresentadora Sonia Abrão disse ao TV Fama que Fausto Silva está acima de qualquer emissora. Recentemente, veio à tona a notícia de que o apresentador deixará a Band. Questionada se ele volta para a Globo, Sonia Abrão respondeu: “Seria maravilhoso, mas não tira o Huck, não!”

After The Affair – Learn Your Communication Skills

Being able to communicate effectively as a couple after the affair will go way beyond the words you and your spouse can say to each other. Most people think of communication as spoken but it is more than that. There are other ways we communicate with each other that can be called nonverbal cues.

Is Cheating Your Wife’s Way of Saying The Marriage Is Over?

Is your wife saying your marriage is over when she cheats? Find out what it really means for your marriage when your wife cheats below.

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