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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash
Cheating Advice You Should Totally Run Away From
Ever gotten advice from friends about dealing with cheating that you thought was totally questionable? If so, here are a few pieces of bad advice related to cheating that you need to run very far away from. Either they may land you in jail, get you more embarrassed or simply cause you much more pain in the long run.
Is He Sincere About Saving Our Marriage After He Had An Affair? How Can I Tell?I often hear from wives who are doubting their husband’s sincerity after they’ve found out he had an affair. I often hear comments like: “how can I tell that he’s sincere when he says he’s sorry and will do anything to save the marriage? Because he was lying to me while he had an affair, so why should I believe him now?” Or “is there any way to tell if your husband is truly being sincere when he says he still loves you and still wants the marriage after his affair?” It’s understandable and natural to have these questions. People who have had affairs can and do say anything to make the situation better after the fall out is quite apparent. And, it makes sense to question some one who has already been untruthful and has betrayed you very recently. I often tell people you can often look to your spouse’s actions as they are often a much better indicator of sincerity than their words ever will be. People can and do say anything. But, over time, their actions will generally tell you the truth. I will discuss this more in the following article.