Nathalia Dill comemora reconhecimento profissional: “Muito Feliz”

Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV Fama’, a atriz Nathalia Dill falou sobre seu retorno a televisão, além da comemoração por sua peça receber uma série de indicações. Confira! #TVFama

Understanding Why My Husband Cheated On Me – Revealing The Ultimate Reason Why Cheaters Cheat!

After discovering his affair, I spent months trying to understand why my husband cheated on me. In my devastation, I kept thinking: “How could he do this to me? I loved him, I trusted him. I thought we had a good marriage. We have children together. How could he cheat? Why did he have to go and cheat? I’m going crazy!”

Saving A Marriage After An Affair – Will He Cheat Again?

Are you working on saving your marriage after an affair? Are you asking the question: Will he cheat again? If you are, you are not alone. After being betrayed by the person you trusted most in the world, it’s perfectly normal to be looking for answers and reassurance that he won’t cheat again. But before I can answer your question, it’s important that I share with you a little bit more about why cheaters cheat so you can discover the answer for yourself. Is that OK? If so, please read on… Essentially, there are two key reasons you need to know about why cheaters cheat:

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