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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


What To Do If You Suspect Your Partner Is Having An Affair

In a marriage, one of the last questions you would wish that would ever cross your mind would be the following: Is he / she cheating on me? Trust plays a fundamental role in a relationship and a breakdown in trust would cause stress on both parties which would deteriorate the entire relationship. Yet such a crucial question on the possibility of affairs and infidelity is hard to answer.

Can Marriage Be Saved After Cheating? – 3 Reasons Why Is There Hope For My Marriage

Can marriage be saved after cheating? I used to think it was a definite no. But when faced with the reality of infidelity in my own life, I struggled to look for reasons why there is hope for my marriage. I hope by sharing with you my discoveries, you too will see light at the end of the tunnel…

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