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O cantor Compadre Washington, de 61 anos de idade, do É o Tchan!, internado após passar mal em um show, teve seu quadro de saúde atualizado por boletim médico emitido pelo Hospital Mater Dei, de Salvador, na Bahia, na noite desta terça-feira (27).
“Ele deu entrada na UTI, no início da manhã de hoje, com crise hipertensiva. O artista encontra-se clinicamente estável, com a pressão arterial estabilizada, lúcido e segue de repouso sem previsão de alta hospitalar, no momento”, dizia o comunicado.
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Working Things Out After Cheating In Your Marriage
I get a lot of correspondence from people who are asking for advice or tips on how to “work things out” after a spouse has cheated. Sometimes, the spouse who cheated is desperately trying to work things out. And sometimes, the faithful spouse is trying to repair or hold onto the marriage. No matter who it is that is asking the question, there’s often a lot of doubt that the marriage or relationship can be saved. Many people consider cheating as something that will destroy their marriage, until it actually happens and they’re faced with the reality of walking away from the marriage or breaking up their family. The lines can become somewhat blurry then with various shades of gray. It’s my experience and belief that it’s most definitely possible to work things out after cheating. I’ll discuss what it often takes in the following article.
My Husband Is Having An AffairWhen you discover that your husband is having an affair, it can be the most painful, gut wrenching shock imaginable. Feelings of betrayal, sadness, rejection, anger, helplessness – these and many other feelings flood and swirl through you, as you try to make sense of the illogical. It’s like riding through a stormy sea, where one foaming wave of emotion after another batters you.