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An Emotional Affair Solution in 5 Steps

An emotional affair can be defined simply as the act of cheating on your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend – but minus actually having a physical relationship in the process. While the fact that these affairs lack a physical love component makes them seem less threatening than a traditional affair, in many ways they can be more threatening to a relationship. If you or your partner is having an emotional affair, here are 5 steps to solving it and getting on with your lives.

How To End An Emotional Affair – 5 Tips

Cheating comes in many shapes and sizes, so to speak. The broad spectrum of infidelities include everything from a bit of flirting on one end of the spectrum to a full-fledged love affair on the other. If you are involved in an emotional affair, either as the cheating person or as the injured (cheated-upon) person, here are 5 tips for how to end an emotional affair.

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