“A minha agenda é mais viva do que eu”, brinca Sabrina Sato sobre rotina corrida

Após a maratona que teve durante o carnaval deste ano, Sabrina Sato contou detalhes sobre sua rotina corrida durante uma palestra recente. “Eu tenho uma equipe que ajuda muito, todo mundo trabalha muito para conseguir organizar toda a agenda. A minha agenda é mais viva do que eu”, brincou a apresentadora. Confira! #TVFAMA

Fun Projects To Entertain Your Kids

One of the problems that many children experience during extended breaks, such as summer vacation is that they can get bored. This is something that can often lead to trouble, especially if they tend to get a little bit rambunctious when they don’t have anything else to do. Many parents have decided that it is a good idea to do a preemptive strike and to give their children projects during those times which will be both entertaining and will help to fill their time.

Japanese Tea Ceremony: Bringing Family and Friends Together

See how you can creatively entertain your family and friends with Japanese tea ceremony. Also, find the perfect Japanese tea set for yourself.

How to Play Washer Toss and Its Benefits

Playing washer toss is ideal if you want to play a family game, a simple game to be played with your friends, or a special activity during special events. Learn the rules of this game quickly and have a blast playing it.

What Should You Do With Your Home Theater Room?

Home Theatre Systems for Entertainment – People love going to the movies to watch all the blockbuster movies. The reasons are the big screen, quality picture, magnified sound, and the environment in general. This tradition is slowly changing with the introduction of home theater systems.

Christmas Party Ideas for Fun Evenings With Friends

Getting together with your friends and families during the holidays can be a great way to make the most of the season and give everyone the opportunity to really enjoy themselves. Throwing the best Christmas party can be possible when you have the right ideas, resources and activities planned.

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