A música baiana perdeu espaço?

“A união do sertanejo, às vezes ele nem se conhecem, mas eles se unem pra fortalecer o movimento, eu acho que isso que tá faltando um pouco na Bahia.”

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Five Tips In Coping With Infidelity in Marriage

Do you still want your relationship to go on despite of your husband’s infidelity? Read these tips to help you cope up with the pain.

My Spouse Is Not Acting Like Herself After My Affair – Insights That Might Help

I heard from a husband who said: “I admit that I had an affair and cheated on my wife. In that aspect, I am the bad guy of the story. I would be willing to do almost anything to make this up to my wife and save my marriage. But, as patient as I try to be, my wife has become almost impossible to live with. She is filled with bitterness and she is so sarcastic and nasty that even our kids know that something is drastically wrong with her. She’s lashing out at anyone and anything in her path. Once, she threw a plate at me when I asked her what was for dinner. The other night after one of her tirades, I told her that she was acting a bit erratic and crazy. Her response to me was ‘well I have a right to be crazy. You cheated on me. You betrayed me. It is my right to be crazy.’ Is she right? Is this what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life? What about my kids? Will she always be like this?”

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