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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Cheating Before Marriage – Why Do People Do It?

Have you ever had friends who gushed and blushed about cheating on their prospective spouses before actually tying the knot? Have you yourself considered one last fling before saying “I Do” to your husband-to-be? Why do people do it and what satisfaction do they get from it? The human psychology proposes many challenges especially in the field of relationship and commitment. But one thing is for sure, people’s actions are always motivated by something. You don’t go kissing some random guy in your wedding dress just because the clock struck twelve midnight. You feel an urge, you feel a sense of curiosity, you feel peer pressure—there are many reasons as to why you would consider cheating before marriage. Here are just some of the few reasons why other people do it, and what these things imply or result into after the vows have been said.

Is Everything Lost – How to Save Your Relationship After Cheating?

Sometimes in a relationship you may feel that you’re not wanted; you’re lacking the attention that was once present. So you make a rash decision and cheat on your partner because the other person is showing you the attention you crave. You’re aware that it’s a silly mistake and your partner finds out. How exactly do you save your relationship after cheating?

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