Adriana Bombom alfineta musas fitness sobre dieta do ovo: “Quem começou foi eu”

A musa Adriana Bombom, que está há meses se preparando para seu desfile na Grande Rio, mandou um recado às musas fitness que, segundo ela, copiaram a sua dieta do ovo. “Quem inventou foi eu”, disse Adriana lembrando ter sido extremamente criticada quando apresentou a dieta para as pessoas

Surviving Infidelity: 10 Crucial Questions For Surviving Infidelity

When it comes to deciding what decision you make with regard to surviving infidelity, you are the only person who has direct control over what you say and what you do. It is up to you alone what choice you make.

Infidelity In Marriage – How To Deal With Infidelity

Infidelity is definitely the most devastating thing that can happen to a marriage. Once you hear about your spouse cheating, it feels like your whole world has fallen apart. How could they do this to you?

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