Adriane Galisteu vai desfilar ao lado do filho Vittório na Sapucaí: “Estou tão feliz”

A apresentadora Adriane Galisteu está de volta ao carnaval. E tem mais: desta vez, a loira irá desfilar ao lado do filho Vittório pela Portela, na Sapucaí, Rio de Janeiro. #TVFama

She Cheated

She cheated, no reason at all, but she did. Maybe was the perfect restaurant, the complement thoroughly studied, the desire in his eyes that made her feel alive again, the lack of poetry and dialogue in her life, or the false happiness. Lying in her bed, somewhere between the memories and internal conflicts, she realised: she cheated.

Survive Infidelity: Can Your Marriage Survive Infidelity?

Every year, couples all over the world will face the ordeal of one or, in some cases both of them, cheating on their partner. Some current statistics are beginning to show that up to 80% of marriages will at some time struggle to survive infidelity, with men more likely to cheat than women. If you don’t know where to turn, help is at hand.

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