Aline Mineiro revela ter sofrido abuso na infância: “Um amigo da família”

A ex-fazendeira Aline Mineiro fez uma revelação durante entrevista exclusiva ao TV Fama. Ela diz que sofreu abuso durante a infância. “Um amigo da família; senta aqui no meu colo. Depois de muitos anos crescendo e fui ver o que eu passei”, contou. Mineiro disse ainda que chegou a fazer terapia por conta dos abusos.

My Husband Had an Affair – How Do I Get Over It?

My husband had an affair, how do I get over it? Did you ever think you would have to answer that question? No one imagines on their wedding day that the husband they love so much will end up betraying them with another woman.

The Secret To Surviving Infidelity

Surviving infidelity is possible. But it may be one of the most difficult times you will ever endure. I know because I have been through it. An affair creates it’s own kind of destruction, unlike anything else that could happen to you whether in, or outside of a relationship. It not only breaks down the trust between you and your partner, it breaks down your ability…

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