Andréa Nóbrega revela estar focada na carreira de atriz

A ex-peoa Andréa Nóbrega recebeu a repórter Lisa Gomes do TV Fama em sua casa para falar sobre os seus projetos futuros. Totalmente repaginada, Andréia – que deixou as madeixas loiras para trás após 30 anos – disse que está vivendo uma nova fase e que agora quer focar na carreira de atriz: “Quero fazer novela”

Can I Really Be Blamed For His Cheating?

In this article, I’m going to reveal the REAL reason why men cheat. Women tend to think the reason is because of something they’re lacking, but the TRUTH is, that is not the reason. So, let’s dig in, probe around, and get down to the real heart of the matter of why men cheat.

The Other Woman Says There Were Emotional Feelings – But My Spouse Disagrees And Denies Any Emotion

“My husband had an affair with one of my children’s therapists. I actually really loved this woman. She had become like a member of our family. So when I found out that they were having an affair, I completely assumed that he was in love with her. Frankly, she is quite lovable. Before she betrayed me in this way, I really liked her. And I’m sure that my husband has some pretty intense feelings for her too. But when we try to work on our marriage or even when we are in counseling, he will deny that there was any emotional connection. He will say that it was only physical. As I said, I had serious doubts about this so I went and saw the other woman. She said that in her mind, it was definitely both a physical and emotional relationship. I could tell she was trying not to hurt me when she added that perhaps she was seeing something that wasn’t there because she wanted to believe in him. Frankly, it kind of makes him a jerk if it was only physical. Why would he be lying? And is our marriage over if he won’t tell the truth?”

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