Anitta é acusada de xenofobia por influenciador, diz colunista

A funkeira Anitta se envolveu em um episódio polêmico com o influenciador Vini Singer. Isso porque, segundo a colunista Fábia Oliveira, Singer foi à delegacia registrar um boletim de ocorrência contra Anitta. Ele acusa a cantora de xenofobia. Segundo a colunista, os dois teriam discutido na internet e, num dado momento, Anitta teria dito: “Então volta para a Bahia, seu baiano” #TVFama

What Are The Main Causes Of A Husband Cheating?

Could it be that when it comes to a husband, cheating is almost inevitable in the modern-day relationship, or could a guy simply be using any number of excuses to justify his misbehavior? It seems that there are more opportunities for cheating in the type of society that we live in now, unfortunately.

Identifying When A Relationship May Not Be Working Out

Some creatures in this world are monogamous for life. It’s instinctual and is part of their genetic makeup. Wolves, for instance, once finding a mate, never seek company elsewhere. However, humans do not fall into this group. Instinctively the males of the species, like bees, flit from flower to flower spreading pollen. Women, on the other hand, always seem to be looking for a bee that has more to offer. For those in monogamous relationships, unfaithfulness can be devastating, but there are signs that the bee or the flower are looking for something more.

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