A cantora Anitta se pronunciou sobre boatos relacionados à sua saúde. Uma notícia falsa dava conta de que a funkeira era portadora do vírus HIV. Ela desmentiu e ainda emendou: “Ter HIV não é xingamento”.
How To Rebuild Your Marriage After An Affair
Marriage is not a contract paper that you and your spouse have signed; it is also a promise that you have made to stay together for rest of your lives and not deceiving each other by any means. However, what would the outcome be if one of you had an affair outside marriage? Most of us would want an immediate separation after the cheating spouse has done the damage.
When Active Friendships With Former Lovers Become Infidelity ThreatsWhile active friendships with former spouses and lovers are more common today, certain conditions present an infidelity threat. Here’s how to recognize the signs of trouble.