Após assalto em apartamento, Carlinhos Maia e marido não querem voltar para casa

O influencer Carlinhos Maia e seu marido, Lucas Guimarães não querem voltar para a casa após o episódio do assalto ocorrido no último semana. Na ocasião, a cobertura do casal em Alagoas foi invadida por bandidos que levaram cerca de R$ 5 milhões em joias. Em entrevista a Léo Dias, Carlinhos disse que pensa em se mudar e que não quer voltar para casa

How To Forgive A Cheater – 4 Helpful Tips

Feeling hurt, unsure and overwhelmed when someone you love and trust has cheated is natural, but you can find the strength to take the next step towards healing yourself, overcoming infidelity, and even being able to offer forgiveness. It IS possible! Read on to find out how…

Does A Man Recover From An Affair Faster Than A Woman?

“My husband had an affair with a woman who he went to high school with. They were not old flames or anything like that. Apparently alcohol was involved and then after the sex they carried on with an online and text affair. They were only together that one time. My husband is telling me that he did not really care deeply for this woman. But reading some of their texts makes me question this. My husband is claiming that he can just end the relationship immediately. He acts like he doesn’t care enough about her to dwell on it. I question this. I am not saying that he’s lying to me – exactly. But I don’t know how a relationship can be important enough to cheat on your wife over but not so important to discuss it when you end it. My mother told me that men get over affairs more easily than women because for men it is more about the sex and for women it is more about the emotions. Is this true?”

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