Apresentação do Ballet da Felicidade leva idealizadoras do projeto às lágrimas

Plícia e Cris iniciaram numa comunidade de Salvador (BA) um projeto chamado Ballet da Felicidade, para dar aulas a crianças carentes. A ideia foi longe, chamou a atenção do Hora do Faro e toda essa história atingiu o auge quando as meninas se apresentaram no icônico Teatro Castro Alves. A homenagem das pequenas bailarinas para a Plícia e a Cris foi emocionante. Acompanhe no vídeo!

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Site oficial: https://recordtv.r7.com/hora-do-faro

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What Should I Say to My Husband’s Mistress? Should I Even Meet With Her?

I often get emails from wives asking for guidance on how to deal with or talk to their husband’s mistress. I recently heard from a woman who said, in part: “My husband won’t give up the other woman. I think that this is partly because she won’t back off. It’s obvious that she is not going to stop until she has my husband all to herself. She has been texting me and asking if we can meet to talk about this.

Top Signs That Your Spouse is Cheating on You

There is no marriage that does not have its own share of suspicion at one time or the other but it very important to know what to look out for so that you do not start making false accusations about your spouse. A cheating spouse is said to be more dangerous than a snake or like some other people used to say that any one that can cheat on you can as well kill you.

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