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Michelle Barros pegou os espectadores dos telejornais da TV Globo de surpresa ao anunciar sua demissão da emissora. Contudo, ao que tudo indica, os fãs não vão precisar esperar muito para vê-la de volta às telinhas.
Isso porque, segundo o colunista Flávio Ricco, do portal R7, a jornalista já está se organizando para retornar às câmeras, onde esteve por mais de uma década, mas de uma forma totalmente inovadora.
Ainda de acordo com o colunista, Michelle irá trilhar novos caminhos no entretenimento, área bem diferente da qual costumava atuar na Globo. Tanto que, ao pedir demissão, a apresentadora deixou claro que não pretendia voltar aos telejornais tão cedo.
Vale lembrar que Barros comunicou sua saída do canal por meio das redes sociais. Segundo o portal ‘Notícias da TV’, a decisão foi motivada pela falta de oportunidades que a jornalista tinha de crescer na emissora.
Michelle Barros anunciou, na última quinta-feira (12), que está deixando o time de jornalistas da TV Globo. Após quase 12 anos na empresa, a apresentadora comunicou sua saída por meio das redes sociais e explicou que pretende focar em outras áreas de sua carreira.
No Instagram, Michelle resgatou alguns registros de sua história com o jornalismo da Globo, como as bancadas do SPTV 1, Jornal Hoje e coberturas de Carnaval, por exemplo.
Emocionada, a jornalista fez uma carta aberta aos seguidores para se despedir do público. “Por quase 12 anos percorri os quatro cantos de São Paulo, conheci seus extremos, sua miséria e seu luxo. Relatei, na Globo, os percalços e as belezas da cidade que abraçou essa alagoana”, começou.
Na sequência, Barros exaltou sua carreira e reforçou que está pronta para uma nova fase: “Saboreei cada minuto, sorri, abracei, festejei! Quero mais disso: jornalismo com entretenimento, leve, conversado, pra você, com você. Faz tempo já que sinto que fechei um ciclo. E nunca tive medo de me lançar completamente no que acredito”.
Por fim, a comunicadora agradeceu o apoio que recebe dos fãs: “Enfim, estou indo e espero que vocês estejam comigo seja lá onde eu estiver! A nossa vida é o que a gente faz dela. E eu sempre vou poder dizer: ‘Eu tentei!’ Obrigada, de coração, a todos! Por tudo!”
Surpresas? Segredos? Bastidores da TV e do Cinema. As notícias atuais e o melhor da história da TV e dos famosos, curiosidades sobre o mundo das celebridades, o melhor dos programas de fofocas e o melhor das novelas, filmes, séries e dramaturgia. Claro que tem cultura, teatro e entretinimento, claro que tem política, as melhores e lançamentos de músicas, e uma pitada de religião e esporte. O que a sociedade quer debater, sem esquecer que adoramos falar do universo LGBTQIA+, gays e lésbicas famosos, aquele que saíram do armário e se assumiram. Então a gente se encontra no PlocSocial.
#PlocSocial #Notícias #Fofocas
If You’re Only Having An Emotional Affair, Can You Still Be In Love?
“I know that this is going to sound stupid, but I feel like I’m cheating on my husband when I’m actually not, at least technically. Still, I am pretty sure that I am in love with a coworker. I feel strongly that this person knows me much better than my own husband. My boss has been talking about separating us and giving us new partners and it was then that I realized that I’m in love with this guy. My best friend says that this is an emotional affair, but I’m not sure if it is because I don’t know if he feels the same way. I know that I am very important to him and I know that he does not want to end our work partnership. When I told my friend that I was in love with this person, she said that this was ridiculous since we’ve never even held hands, much less kissed or had sex. I know that the other man would never leave his wife. He is too invested in his children. Can it not be love if it’s just emotional and not physical?”
3 Important Reasons Why You Have To Worry About A Marital AffairAre you or your spouse capable of having an affair? Before you say no, think about how many divorcees thought the exact same thing before infidelity wrecked their lives. If you are not careful, temptation will creep into your marriage and destroy it.
Proving Spousal Infidelity by Hiring a Private InvestigatorInfidelity in a marriage has become the leading cause of divorce and separation today. It is impossible to get a divorce or separation unless you have solid proof of the infidelity. However, this is not a foolproof method. Moreover, it may backfire and make the cheating party alert. It can be difficult to get relevant information from a person who is unwilling to give in and can deny facts.
My Spouse Cries About Getting Caught Cheating And Then Can’t Look Me In The Eye“I don’t get my husband’s tears. He’s like a little boy who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and has been spanked. I am extremely furious at him so I know that he feels my wrath. I try to put myself in his position and I know that I’d be sweating bullets right now if the roles were reversed. So I don’t envy him at this point. But every time we try to have a conversation about the affair, he starts sobbing. He can’t even get out the words. He just cries and shakes. I will ask him what is wrong and he will just shake his head. I will ask him if he has anything that he wants to say and he’ll just shake his head and not even meet my eyes. Is he embarrassed to be crying? Is he putting on an act? Is he angry at me so that he doesn’t want to look at me? What is his motivations for turning on the faucets? Why is he crying, but not talking or looking at me?”
Marital Affairs: Dangerous and DestructiveAnonymity, lies, secrecy and selfishness to a degree that is mind boggling. Blame it on internal personal values and moral character. Blame it on modern day technology. It is so easy to lead a secret life, shielding ourselves from everyone, texting and communicating one thing, when our outward lives reveal something else. No one is immune to an affair. No one. You cannot know what the future holds. You might have a good handle on the present, but there are forces in our environment that can overcome the most dedicated spouse. A moment of weakness strikes all of us in some area of life, surprisingly, shockingly and unexpectedly. We are prone to making major mistakes. Temptation is around the corner. Lifting boundaries sometimes happens. There are things you can do to affair-proof your marriage and in this article, Lynn will share some key strategies you need to know.