Arnaldo Cezar Coelho dá sua opinião sobre Neymar na seleção: “Time não pode jogar em função dele”

O ex-árbitro e comentarista da TV Globo, Arnando Cezar Coelho fez uma análise sobre a atuação do craque Neymar na seleção brasileira. Logo de cara, Coelho diz que a vida pessoal agitada de Neymar não interfere no seu futebol. Por outro lado, ele manda um recado: “O time não pode jogar em função do Neymar”

Marriages and Affairs – Part II

It takes a lot of hard diligent serious work for restoration of a marriage! One needs to humbly confess, submit to God’s principles for marriage and sincerely repent!

My Husband Doesn’t Care If I Forgive Him For His Affair – Why Is He Acting This Way?

I sometimes hear from wives who are so disappointed in their husband’s attitude after they have caught him cheating or having an affair. Many wives expect him to act one way, but are upset when he acts in a completely different way than what was expected. I heard from a wife who said: “I caught my husband having an affair two weeks ago. He didn’t even seem all that remorseful. He said that he wanted to save our marriage and that he would end the affair, but he didn’t seem all that sincere. Yesterday, I told my husband that I didn’t know if I would be able to forgive him any time soon. He told me extensive and hurtful lies. I am going to have a hard time getting over that. I was floored when he turned to me and said ‘I don’t want or need your forgiveness and I don’t even recall asking for it.’ What does this even mean? Why would he not even want my forgiveness if he says he wants to save our marriage? How should I even respond to this?” I will address these concerns in the following article.

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