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Ryan Grantham, ator de “Riverdale” e “Supernatural”, assassinou a própria mãe e planejava matar Justin Trudeau, primeiro-ministro do Canadá, em 2020. O ator de 24 anos matou a mãe com um tiro no dia 31 de março daquele ano. Barbara Waite, de 64 anos, foi atingida na nuca enquanto tocava piano dentro de casa. No dia seguinte, Grantham cobriu o corpo da mãe com um lençol e saiu de casa com a intenção de matar o político.
A informação foi revelada no primeiro dia de audiência de condenação do ator nesta semana.
Surpresas? Segredos? Bastidores da TV e do Cinema. As notícias atuais e o melhor da história da TV e dos famosos, curiosidades sobre o mundo das celebridades, o melhor dos programas de fofocas e o melhor das novelas, filmes, séries e dramaturgia. Claro que tem cultura, teatro e entretinimento, claro que tem política, as melhores e lançamentos de músicas, e uma pitada de religião e esporte. O que a sociedade quer debater, sem esquecer que adoramos falar do universo LGBTQIA+, gays e lésbicas famosos, aquele que saíram do armário e se assumiram. Então a gente se encontra no PlocSocial.
#PlocSocial #Notícias #RyanGrantham
Considering Forgiving Your Spouse’s Affair In A Letter? These Tips Might Help
Many wives who are dealing with their husband’s affair are somewhat clear on the fact that, one day, they would like to be able to offer forgiveness. Many hope that one day, the will just find forgiveness on their doorstep. They might wake up one day and find that the burden and the pain of the affair has lessened enough that they feel comfortable enough to offer this one little gift. When this doesn’t happen, it’s very easy to become impatient. So you can start to think that forgiveness is simply a choice that you must make. I hear from a lot of wives who have made the conscious decision to forgive their husband and they now want to communicate the same to him. Many know that they are going to break down and stammer if they try to say this face to face, so they decide to write a letter.
I Really Do Want To Trust In My Spouse Again – But The Affair Has Made Is Very Difficult“It took a long time until I decided to save my marriage after my husband’s affair. He was calling me daily begging me to give him one more chance. He promised to go to counseling and do whatever I wanted him to do. So, after some time, I agreed to allow him back into my life, with the understanding that I might change my mind at any time. Well, we are still married. And our problem is no longer the affair really, it is my lack of trust. I am always questioning my husband even though he is always where he says that he is going to be. I have never caught him participating in wrong doing since the affair. And I know that he is trying. But I always find myself questioning him with an accusing tone. And then he gets angry and says that I am never going to trust him again and that our marriage is doomed. After we have these conversations, I really do try to trust him. But I can’t help it, the doubts come back. And I find myself untrusting again. Why can’t I just trust him?”