Ator Erik Marmo revela o motivo de sua mudança para os EUA

O ator Erik Marmo, que ficou conhecido nacionalmente após interpretar personagens em novelas da Globo, está morando nos Estados Unidos com a família. Em entrevista ao TV Fama, Marmo revelou qual foi o real motivo que o fez mudar de país. Confira

Are Cheaters Embarrassed By Their Lack Of Integrity And Character?

“Are cheaters truly embarrassed or ashamed by their behavior? Over the last two months, two of my very good friends found out that their husband’s were cheating. Coincidentally enough, my husband and I were attending a sporting event that was popular and drew a very large crowd. We actually saw one of these men out with the other woman. Rather than ducking away and trying to hide from us (which is what I would have done) this guy literally puffed out his chest like he was proud to be seen with this much younger woman. He gave my husband a look like my husband should be envious. Meanwhile, one of my best friends is riddled with guilt because her old boyfriend looked her up on Facebook and she didn’t tell her husband. Nothing happened. She gave the guy a quick response back telling him how happily married she was. This wasn’t cheating. And yet my friend is very ashamed. I’ve heard people on TV say that cheaters are ashamed but I don’t believe it. It seems to me that people who stop short of cheating are embarrassed or ashamed while the real and blatant cheaters are not.”

Do People Who Have Affairs Learn Anything From Their Mistakes?

“My husband is always talking about what having an affair and almost losing his marriage has taught him. I realize that he is most likely doing this because he wants for me to think that there is something valuable and redeemable about this whole situation but I am just not buying it. What has he really learned? How to betray me and cover up his tracks? How I look when I’m furious? How I’m almost ready to walk out on him because of his carelessness? But when I argue with him about this, he continues to insist that he has learned things that are going to help us with our marriage. He says if I give him the chance to prove it, then I will see for myself. What in the world does he mean by this? “

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