Ator global é preso no Rio de Janeiro acusado de pedofilia

O ator da TV Globo José Dumont foi preso nesta quinta-feira (15) acusado de pedofilia. Segundo a polícia, ele teria mantido relações com um menino de 12 anos. O caso foi denunciado por um vizinho. Dumont foi demitido da TV Globo

How to Recover From Affair When Infidelity in a Marriage Is Fixable

Once you find out about an affair the world becomes a place to get out of your home for sanctuary. Reclaim your home, your life and you marriage. Find out how to recover from affair and get past infidelity in a marriage. Want the skinny…

3 Things You Need to Know About the Other Woman in an Affair

I know that dealing with the pain of an affair can make you do and think some pretty outrageous things. A lot of women may even feel compelled to confront the other woman in an affair, however, before you do that, there are a few things you really need to know about her. First, she isn’t your enemy.

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