Autoaceitação! Simone fala de luta com a balança: “Vivo brigando”

“Eu vivo nessa constante luta pela perca de peso”, essa foi uma das diversas frases que a cantora Simone utilizou em seu perfil nas redes sociais para desabafar com os fãs. De acordo com a cantora, ela possui dificuldade na ‘autoaceitação’. #TVFama

How Do You Recover From An Affair?

You have felt that you and your husband have been drifting apart for some time but now you have just discovered that he has had an affair. Now you wonder if your marriage can recover from an affair.

Having Affairs With Married Men – The Advantages

Having an affair with a married man has to be very secretive. There is always the risk of his spouse learning about your affair. This is quite a challenge and therefore, seems very exciting.

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