Avós revelam qualidades dos netos no Dica da Vovó | Vai Dar Namoro

No Cupido Eletrônico, Dona Áurea, avó do Matheus, falou da personalidade do neto e disse que ele é cheiroso, trabalhador, estudioso, amoroso e sabe cozinhar, mas é teimoso. Já a dona Aparecida, a avó de Elnatan, disse que o neto é gente fina, mas é muito alto e reclamou que precisa subir em um banquinho para beijar o neto. Elnatan foi o escolhido e conquistou duas participantes.

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Mistresses Play, Men Stray, Wives Stay

Dear Mistresses, nobody cares about your reason. Where is your self-respect? Dear Husbands, whatever your reason, your wife and children “cares”. Dear Wives, try your best to forgive. (I know that “forgetting” is whole different topic).

My Spouse Is Angry At My Reaction To His Emotional Affair

“I was using our computer last week and I wanted to look up a new computer that I was considering buying. Unfortunately, I had already closed out the window so I had to look in my internet history, when I did, I noticed a messaging app that my husband had clearly been using excessively. With a little patience, I was able to log into this app. And what I found devastated me. My husband was chatting away with a coworker about things that had nothing to do with work. As soon as I confronted my husband about an emotional affair, he was very quick to say that nothing physical had happened. I am furious and I honestly considered asking my husband to leave. He says that I’m using this relationship as an excuse to be nasty to him, when in fact they never crossed the line. I don’t know for how long this can go on. But I don’t know where we go from here when we’re both so mad that no one is going to make the first move.”

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