Baile dos casais tem “beijão” e Rodrigo Faro imita MC Don Juan no Dança Gatinho | Vai Dar Namoro

O baile do Vai Dar Namoro foi embalado pelo som de Marvvila e o público ficou na expectativa do “beija ou não beija”. E no programa caso role beijo, Rodrigo Faro tem que imitar algum artista e dançar. Neste domingo (5) teve show Mc Don Juan. Confira no Dança, Gatinho!

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People Say That I Need To Love My Husband Through His Cheating, Why? It’s Not Fair

“After I found out about my husband’s affair, I approached my best friend to talk. She had dealt with an affair in her own marriage and although it was rough going in the beginning, she and her husband are good now. So I asked her for insights and her basic message to me was: ‘you really just have to love your husband through this. He made a mistake. And this behavior is just not like him.’ Her point to me was that I need to support him and stand by him and help him figure out what went wrong so that we don’t go through this again. But here is my problem. This approach makes it seem like my husband is a victim. He made a choice. He is not a victim. It is me who is the victim. And I am the one who should be ‘loved’ through this. So my first inclination is to reject what my friend has says. But then I can not deny that she has beat the odds and survived an affair. But I just can not understand why I am supposed to show love to my spouse after he had an affair.”

A Few Reasons Why Spouses Cheat

Spouses don’t suddenly decide to cheat in a marriage. Basic things we often overlook can lead to a spouse venturing on the cheating spree. Knowing how to win back your spouse in key to preventing cheating from reoccurring.

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