“BBB não é currículo”, dispara Carlos Vereza sobre Jade Picon em novela

Durante entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, o ator Carlos Vereza, que também é secretário do Sindicato de Artistas e Técnicos em Espetáculos de Diversões do Rio de Janeiro (Sated-RJ), opinou sobre a influenciadora Jade Picon ter sido escalada para atuar na próxima trama de Glória Perez.

“BBB não é currículo, ter seguidores não é currículo”, disparou o ator. “Nós não vamos deixar. O SATED já falou que essa menina deve fazer um curso de Teatro e se formar. A pessoa quer sair do ‘Big Brother’ e quer entrar na novela, vai fazer uma escola de teatro para ter o DRT e trabalhar”, completou. Confira! #TVFAMA

I Don’t Even Know If It’s Worth It To Try To Get Over The Affair, I’m Not Sure If I Even Want To

“My husband seems so desperate to win me back after his affair, that I have no doubt in my mind that he will do whatever I ask of him. So it is not outside of the realm of possibility that we could save our marriage. I could envision a scenario where my husband would make a super-human effort to be the kind of husband that I deserve and then afterward, I might be open to ‘getting over’ the affair and moving on with my life. I do believe that I could do that. The problem is that I am not sure that I want to do that. Because I feel that doing so would say as much about my own character as cheating did for my husband’s character. I’ve never had much respect for women who blindly ‘stand by their man.’ It seems a little pathetic. And so to keep my own self respect intact, I feel that I have to almost cut my husband loose and just accept that this might be the end. And I’m really sorry about that. But I’m not the one who cheated. Is it valid to just not want to get over it?”

When The Other Person In The Affair Is Reluctant To Let Go

“I have to admit that the other man came along in my life at a time when I truly needed someone. My husband had cheated on me the year before and my self esteem was at an all time low. So when a very good-looking and younger man paid attention to me, I ate it up. I was very receptive. My husband had been trying to tell me that I was still attractive, etc., but I didn’t believe it coming from him. The other man could not compliment me enough. He was extremely attentive and sweet. But over time, he began to get somewhat possessive. Finally, I decided that this was no longer worth it. I told my husband everything and I broke off the affair. My husband was understanding. However, the other man was not understanding. He has told me that maybe he just needs to have a face-to-face talk with my husband. He’s saying he loves me and that he knows that I will eventually regret giving him up. I’ve made my decision. And the way that he is acting only reinforces that it was the right decision. But how do I make him see that?”

The Affair Is Over, But My Husband Won’t Say Anything Negative About The Other Woman, Why?

“I find the woman who my husband cheated with deplorable. She knows me. She knows that I am struggling with my ill mother and she knows that my husband’s job loss has put a lot of stress on our family. She knows that my family is very vulnerable right now and that, with all that is going on, I’m just juggling things as best as I can but I am struggling just the same. Instead of offering me a helping hand, this woman cheated with my husband. To me, the other woman is a hideous, deplorable, cruel creature who is no better than a common thief. She is uneducated and stupid. She is not attractive and is overweight. But when I say these things, my husband doesn’t automatically agree with me. He basically just stares at me blankly. He seems to understand that he shouldn’t defend the other woman. But he also seems to refuse to say anything negative or bad about her. Why? Does this mean that he thinks that she is an honorable person above reproach, because that is obviously not true? Does he still want to be with her? I don’t get it.”

What Motivates A Man To Come Home After An Affair?

“My husband no longer lives with the family. He cheated and I found out. I did not kick my husband out. But I was very angry and we could not communicate without having very nasty arguments, so he left. We talk occasionally. He swears that the affair has ended, but obviously I have no way of knowing if this is true. He doesn’t talk about why he’s away, but I would guess that it’s because things are so volatile with us and ended up being so nasty. Now that I have had time to calm down, I would like for him to come back so that we can see where we are and what we want. I feel that him being away is just making our problems worse. How can we possibly work things out if we don’t see each other? I was talking about this with a friend and she said that I need to consider that perhaps he does not want to come back. If this is true, what can I do to make him come back? What makes a man want to come home after an affair?”

Infidelity – How to Stop & Avoid Affairs in Your Marriage – Marriage Counseling Advice

There is no doubt that affairs can cause a lot of pain, heartache and destruction to the marriage. Many people ask me how they can affair-proof their marriage or ruin their cheating wife’s or husbands affair. The following 4 steps are crucial at keeping an affair at bay, as well as listening to your partners complaints and addressing anything you are longing for.

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