Boninho pode deixar emissora, revela Nelson Rubens

O apresentador do TV Fama, Nelson Rubens revelou na noite desta segunda-feira (20) que o diretor da TV Globo, José Bonifácio Brasil de Oliveira, mais conhecido como Boninho, pode deixar a emissora. Um dos motivos, de acordo com o apresentador, seria redução salarial. Será?

Help With Getting Over His Affair

Streaming tears and a loss for words is most common when you first find out about your husband’s affair. There are no comforting words. You really don’t want to hear that it will be alright. Getting over his affair is not easy but it is possible.

Infidelity Recovery: 5 Icebergs That Will Sink Your Relation Ship

The chop waters of infidelity recovery are not easy to navigate. In the quest to navigate to safer waters you will encounter numerous icebergs that will sink your ship and bring your efforts to survive infidelity tumbling to the bottom of the ocean. Learn to recognize the dangerous signs.

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