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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash
My Husband Just Confessed To An Affair That Happened Years Ago – Should I Forgive Him?
Forgiveness after an affair can be a real struggle. Some people struggle with forgiveness for quite a long time. And others are never able to offer it. But what happens if you’re asked to forgive an affair that happened years ago but you were not told about it until recently? Does it make any difference? I recently heard from a wife who was forced into this situation. She had thought that every thing was fine within her marriage. In fact, the last of her children had just left for college and this had given more time with her husband. The wife felt like all of their hard work was finally paying off until her husband sat her down without any warning and told her that there was something he had to get off of his chest. Much to the wife’s surprise, her husband confessed that early in their marriage (when their oldest son was an infant) he had cheated and had a short affair with a coworker who now lived in another country.
Looking for Some Illicit Encounters?Marriage is that bond which needs extra care and nourishment. Once left for days it may go dry and brittle.