Bruno Gagliasso constrói capela em rancho no interior do Rio de Janeiro

A família Gagliasso mudou o estilo de vida. Bruno e a esposa Giovanna Ewbank estão construindo uma capela em um rancho no interior do Rio de Janeiro. Aliás, a nova morada da família é totalmente sustentável, tanto que a eletricidade é gerada por meio de placas que captam a energia solar.

After the Affair – How Will Your Cheating Spouse Feel?

If you discover that your spouse is involved in an affair, your first feeling will be one of shock. This is understandable. But have you given a thought to how your cheating spouse will feel when the affair is exposed? Can you make a guess? You may find it difficult to herald a guess. After all, you don’t know what made your spouse enter into an affair. So, how can you possibly know the feelings of your cheating spouse when the affair is brought to light?

Is There A Cheating Gene? Does Adultery Run In Families?

“I just found out that my husband has been cheating. This is so confusing. Because we honestly had a good, happy marriage and family life. And my husband always swore that cheating is one thing that he would never – ever – do. His father’s cheating destroyed my husband’s family. My husband hates his father and sees him as weak and spineless. And yet, here my husband is – cheating on me. My husband is begging me not to tear apart my family. He says that the difference between him and his father is that he is willing to get help. I do not understand this, although I know that my husband is sincere about counseling. But I am not sure that I buy that infidelity runs in families. Does it? And if so, why? Because I feel like it is just a handy excuse.”

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