Candidatos cantam no chuveiro para encantar a mulherada no Cupido Eletrônico | Vai Dar Namoro

Neto foi o candidato escolhido durante a cantoria no chuveiro do Cupido Eletrônico. O rapaz interpretou um trecho da canção “Sozinho”, de Caetano Veloso e respondeu uma pergunta de Luciana Gimenez sobre o porquê de estar solteiro. Veja!

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Save Your Marriage by Injecting Some Power Into It

If you want to save your marriage, you should realize that the marriage has been weak. If your marriage were strong, you won’t be thinking of saving it. Anything weak needs some power and energy injected into it. You can make your marriage strong by infusing it with the energy it needs.

Is It True That A Man Can Not Be ‘Stolen’ When He Cheats? Does He Go Willingly?

“I know that the other woman came on to my husband. I have seen her in action. She has wanted him for years. She has followed him around at work from the first moment she was hired, always wearing her tight clothing and laughing her fake, little girl laugh. For years, he resisted. But recently I have had to deal with a stressful situation which has taken a lot of my time. I turned my back for an instant, and she finally got him. I am terrified that he is going to decide that he wants to be with her. And I admit that I have been calling the other woman and screaming at her. The other day, one of my coworkers walked in and overheard me giving the other woman a piece of my mind. So my friend asked me about the situation and I told her how this tramp stole my husband away. Do you know what my friend’s response was? She said: ‘a man can not be taken or stolen. He willingly goes.’ What do you think of this?”

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