Cantor Belo é cobrado por mais uma dívida

O cantor Belo está novamente envolvido em outra polêmica. Desta vez o artista estaria devendo cerca de R$ 5 milhões para uma empresa de entretenimento. O caso foi parar na Justiça. Confira

Is Your Spouse Refusing To Forgive You For The Affair? These Insights Might Help

I heard from a wife who said: “last year, I made the worst mistake of my life. I had a fling at a class reunion that my husband could not attend. And then after the fling, I kept in contact with the guy and had a couple of more encounters with him. I honestly don’t know why I did this. I think that my self esteem was at a low point and this guy made me feel good about myself. But once I realized how much harm I was doing, I broke it off and I told my husband the truth. I practically fell to his feet and begged for his forgiveness. I have offered to go to counseling or to do anything else that he might require. But he continuously says that not only does he not forgive me, but he has no plans whatsoever to forgive me in the future. I am so upset about this. We have two little girls who are going to miss their daddy. Why won’t he just accept my apology so that we can move on?” I’ll try to answer these questions in the following article.

Is Cheating Your Sign to End Your Marriage?

Being cheating on in your marriage is very painful. But here are 3 questions that you should consider before deciding to end your marriage.

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