Carlinhos Maia: “A gente voltou para o nosso apartamento porque era um sonho”

O casal Carlinhos Maia e Lucas Guimarães voltaram a morar no apartamento que foi assaltado em maio. Na ocasião, bandidos levaram objetos de luxo, como joias e relógios. Os suspeitos já estão presos. “A gente voltou para o nosso apartamento porque era um sonho” #TVFama

Statistics On Infidelity – Not As Clear As You Might Think

Many people looking for statistics on infidelity are looking for help, advice or guidance of some kind. Most are using the data to gauge the likelihood that their partner is cheating or to find out how possible it is to salvage a marriage after an affair. Unfortunately the vast majority of infidelity statistics would mislead you into making unjustified assumptions and jumping to the wrong conclusions.

Dealing With Infidelity – How to Handle Being Cheated On

To recover from being cheated on you need to do some specific things. The 3 steps to help you handle being cheated on.

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