Carlinhos Maia fala sobre exposição na web durante crise no casamento: “É melhor dividir”

Durante entrevista ao ‘TV FAMA’, Carlinhos Maia comentou sobre a crise no casamento que enfrentou com seu marido, o influenciador Lucas Guimarães, e opinou sobre a exposição que o casal teve na internet durante o período.

“É melhor dividir mesmo do que ficarem especulando coisas que a gente não fez. Em relação ao nosso casamento não afeta tanto, afeta mais quando fala do nosso caráter”, disse o humorista. Confira os detalhes da entrevista! #TVFAMA

Party Planning – 8 Hot Tips For Planning A Party With The Wow Factor

This article on party planning focuses on the main 8 steps everyone should be aware of when planning a party. By understanding and following these 8 steps you will be able to enjoy the planning process, remaining free from stress and creating an event that will be enjoyed by all your friends and family.

How to Host a Dinner Party – Tips for Hosting a Dinner

For some people it is really common to host a dinner party. For others hosting a dinner happens only to celebrate special occasions. Learn how to host a dinner party so that your guest are impressed.

Care and Selection of Out Door Patina Steel Fire Pits

Selection of a fire pit is not an easy process. I hope we can shed some light on patina steel out-door fire pits and help make this process a little easier. First of all, most people do not know what patina is. This is a natural, aged, rust finish applied to the cold-rolled steel in the manufacturing process. It is naturally durable and stands up well to the elements. If you watch any of the decorating and renovation shows you see these types of finishes used in many different settings. It can easily be dressed up or dressed down to meet your needs and preferences with decorating.

Cult Followings

Open access to the internet has created a strange culture, where the dedicated fan bases of shows actually have to power to affect television schedules. Looking at three shows with particularly hard-core cult followings, it’s interesting to see how they turned out.

How To Throw A Super Bowl Party

Learn a quick party plan to throw a last minute Super Bowl party or any intimate informal party at home. Quick steps to plan a Super Bowl party over a weeks time.

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