Casagrande abre o jogo sobre saída da Globo: “Vinte e cinco anos dentro de uma bolha”

O ex-jogador de futebol e ex-comentarista esportivo da TV Globo falou com o TV Fama sobre a sua saída da emissora onde trabalhou por 25 anos. Casão disse que já estava cansado do ofício na Globo: “Empurrando com a barriga. Vinte e cinco anos dentro de uma bolha”, definiu o comentarista. Por outro lado, e diz ser só gratidão pelos anos em que prestou os seus serviços à platinada.

Emotional Affair Warning Signs – Can You Spot Them?

Are you concerned that your spouse may be exhibiting signs of an emotional affair? There are actually a few signs that you can be on the look out for that may clue you in. Be careful that you are not interpreting what you see incorrectly, you do not want to make wrong accusations to your spouse.

Adultery in a Marriage – How to Prevent Your Spouse From Committing Adultery

In order for a marriage to work, both parties must be committed to the care and feeding of the relationship. Assuming you both love each other and do not have some character flaw that would make cheating inevitable, there are steps you can take to “affair-proof” your marriage and make it less likely you will ever have to endure the trauma of betrayal.

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