Casais enfrentam perguntas sobre a relação no segundo desafio do Casais em Apuros

No segundo desafio do Casais em Apuros, as esposas ficaram penduradas no alto por cabos, enquanto os maridos, no solo, respondiam perguntas sobre o relacionamento. Durante a prova, os casais não podiam se comunicar. Se o marido acertasse, a esposa ficava parada. Porém, se errassem, elas caíam em ‘queda livre’ na gosma.

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How To Overcome Infidelity To Save Your Marriage

This article will detail how to overcome infidelity to save your marriage from two perspectives, the cheater and the cheated on. One basic assumption I’m making is that at least one of the spouses believes in his or her heart that the marriage is worth saving.

Steps To Rebuilding Trust After an Affair Has Turned Your World Upside Down

I hope you are holding up ok and making progress on rebuilding trust after an affair has been uncovered and left you trying to piece back together your life and relationship. Anyone who has been down this road you are traveling can tell you it’s not easy but it is possible to make it through the pain and anger and disappointment.

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