Casais recebem homenagem emocionante de Dia das Mães

Uma pausa nos apuros para um momento de emoção. Como é Dia das Mães, os casais receberam uma surpresa das mães deles. Elas gravaram uma mensagem de carinho e apoio para os participantes de Casais em Apuros, que se emocionaram muito.

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3 Tips on Healing After an Affair – Surviving Your Husband’s Emotional Affair

Healing after an affair is hard and grueling. Your emotions are still high and you still haven’t gathered yourself from the roller coaster ride you just went through. Your husband, whom you trust the most, has deceived you and this has made you devastated.

I Don’t Think My Husband Is Telling Me The Whole Story About His Cheating

I recently heard from a wife whose husband had admitted to cheating. But, he was unwilling to give her many details about the same. Basically, all he would say was that he had been unfaithful with a coworker but that is was a “one time thing that would never happen again.” The husband insisted he knew what he did was completely wrong. He claimed he really didn’t know why he did this, but assured the wife that she never had to worry about it again because he wouldn’t repeat it. Needless to say, the wife wanted and needed more details than this. She wanted to know who the other person was. She wanted to know how long the cheating went on. And, she wanted to know if there were any serious feelings involved and whether her husband still thought about the other woman. The husband absolutely refused to give the wife any additional information. Every time she asked open ended questions, he became angry and defensive and would give her answers like “I have told you that I’ve cheated. Isn’t that bad enough? What more do you need to know than that?”

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